Monday, February 11, 2008


What is Bio Necklace?

The Bio Necklace is a functional necklace which is coated by FIR and negative ions in the FIR generation system. The Bio Necklace has several kinds of functions to human-beings which can improve blood circulation, relieve the pain, and improve vitality.

What is Bio Energy(Far Infrared Ray)?
The complete spectrum of sunlight consists of visible and invisible rays. the visible rays are red, orange, yellow, green, indigo blue and violet in colors (known as rainbow colors). The invisible rays are Ultra Violet, X-rays, Gamma, cosmic Microwave, Long Wave, Electrical Wave and Infrared. Electromagnetic waves between visible light and the microwave are called infrared waves.
The wave length of infrared waves range from 0.76micron to 1,000 microns. The ranges of Near, Medium and Far Infrared Rays are 0.76 to 1.5micron, 1.5 to 4micron, and 4 to 1,000 micron respectively.
Far Infrared Ray(FIR) is transfer by radiation and penetrate deep into the human body and the material that was activated by through resonate FIR and it's original wave. Our body organism is composed of more than 70% water and a lot of proteins. since vibrating wave band length of molecular movement of organic matter is identified to band of wavelength of FIR, molecular movement of organic matter is therefore activated.